Top AC/Heating Misconceptions

Here are the 5 biggest misconceptions when buying new HVAC equipment!

1. The Equipment is the most important component of my purchase decision – FALSE

When we visit homes to discuss new HVAC equipment 80% of homeowners first concerns are the name brand of equipment they are purchasing. However, the reality is that many brands of furnace, air conditioners and heat pumps are manufactured by the same companies. The major difference in performance will come from WHO conducts the installation. The company you chose to install your equipment is the more important variable in your decision!

2. When it comes to equipment, bigger is better – FALSE

Your system will operate best when each component is properly sized and tailored for your home. Oversized equipment may cycle on and off more frequently which can dramatically shorten the life of your equipment. When you buy new heating and cooling equipment, you need someone who will take measurements of your home and do calculations to determine the appropriate size for your air conditioner or furnace.

3. My old equipment is not powerful enough – FALSE

Ducts circulate air from the furnace, central air conditioner, or heat pump throughout the house. Often times ducts have damage that leak the hot or cold air and waste a lot of energy. Sealing ducts can greatly improve the efficiency of your heating and cooling system. A general rule of thumb is duct leakage should be more more than 20%. Your equipment may be powerful enough, but you might experience a dip in performance due to leakage.

4. I have uneven temperatures in the home because my furnace is old – FALSE

Air flow and duct work design need to be considered at the time of replacing equipment, especially if the performance of the old equipment was not optimum. To operate well, a heating or cooling system needs to have the proper volume of air flow. If air flow is too high or too low, the system may not heat or cool evenly.

5. My A/C is not cooling properly; I need more refrigerant – FALSE

An improperly charged system may consume more energy and provide dehumidification. It is important for an air conditioner or heat pump to have the correct amount of refrigerant. Once the refrigerant level is corrected, properly working A/Cs do not need to be re-charged every year. If you continue to need to add refrigerant, there is most likely a leak that must be repaired.

If you have any additional misconceptions that you need corrected, please give us a call at 718-885-3328 or visit us at  We pride ourselves on being the premier HVAC specialists in and around City Island!